Flawless Epic or Non-Epic Khitan Captain (Best Medium Strength armor, good for leveling) ⦁ Flawless version can be made by any T4 armorer 6. ⦁ Choose the base Armorer feat and Exiled Epics feat ⦁ Purchase the Jewel of the West DLC pack How to Craft Flawless Epic or Non-Epic Aquilonian Infantry Cuirass Armor: You can wear any two medium armor pieces with any three light armor pieces and maintain a light classification, which will making rolling smoother and grant superior protection. Use either the armor reduction kit to halve the weight of it, or add Master Armor Plating to increase your damage reduction without further encumbering yourself.

As a heat armor, this outfit can take you through the heat of the volcano, but will not help you in the North.You will need at least 20 points invested into agility and to have decent roll with this equipment and you will also want to have at least twenty attributes invested into encumberance to use this armor effectively.

Combined with its great aesthetic, relatively simple crafting method, and its attribute bonus, this armor is an excellent option for both leveling and endgame. Because of how the DLC armor works, the flawless variants do not require a specific armorer to make. The Aquilonian Infantry armor requires the Jewel of the West Pack DLC. If you need to climb to high places add an Armor Flexibility kit. For added protection modify the armor with the Bulk Plating mod. This armor will also protect you from the heat of the volcano, but you will be aflicted by frostbite at the Mounds of the Dead and the Frozen North.

The armor itself is also extremely cheap and easy to make, requiring only layered silk, ivory, and thick hide. This makes this armour ideal for any combat situation, because you can easily avoid damage and more readily dish it out. It is extremely light and allows the user to dodge incoming hits instead of taking them. ⦁ Recommended Modifications: Bulk Plating, Armor Flexibility Kitĭarfari Skin is the only light strength armor that can be obtained in game. These savages wear the skin and bones of their enemies in ritualistic fashion. Flawless Epic Darfari Skin (Best Light Strength Armor)ĭarfari cannibals are the first type of human enemy you will encounter in the exiled lands.